Current Research in Climate Dynamics 
理學院  大氣科學系  
229 M8550 
Ceiba 課程網頁

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The class contains two parts. During the first few weeks we will discuss the atmospheric response to anthropogenic forcing. Starting from a few robust and significant temperature responses (Arctic amplification, upper tropical troposphere warming, and stratospheric cooling), we will make our way to their impacts of jet streams and associated phenomena like desert expansion or changes in tropical cyclone frequency. After the big picture is built, we will add in regional complexity such as the formation mechanisms and the impacts of ENSO-like forcing in the tropical Pacific, delayed warming in North Atlantic and Southern Ocean, and enhanced land-sea contrast,
For the rest of the course, we will cover a second “hot” topic in the field of climate dynamics based on students’ interests.
We will work through as much of the relevant literature as possible, with particular emphasis on recent papers. The class sessions will include: 1) Discussions of paper sets: we aim to come up with a synthesis of a particular subtopic every two weeks, with a few key papers being discussed in detail and others (a majority of related papers) in passing (in reality, this is how we read papers when doing research) and 2) lectures on dynamic or thermodynamic concepts that are essential for understanding these state-of-the-art papers.

(1) develop a thorough understanding of the state-of-the-literature on two important topics in climate dynamics
(2) develop the ability to survey and synthesize the primary themes that are driving the current research field.
Leading paper discussion 30%
Participation (include in class discussion and discussion board on-line) 40%
Two writing projects (The written reports include an in-depth review of the research topics discussed in class. Reports should be about 1 page of text plus 1~4 figures) 30%
Office Hours
some examples of the topics and papers:

tropical upper troposphere warming
Allen, Robert J., and Steven C. Sherwood. "Warming maximum in the tropical upper troposphere deduced from thermal winds." Nature Geoscience 1.6 (2008): 399-403.
Mitchell, D. M., et al. "Revisiting the controversial issue of tropical tropospheric temperature trends." Geophysical Research Letters 40.11 (2013): 2801-2806.
Sherwood, Steven C., and Nidhi Nishant. "Atmospheric changes through 2012 as shown by iteratively homogenized radiosonde temperature and wind data (IUKv2)." Environmental Research Letters 10.5 (2015): 054007.
Po-Chedley, Stephen, et al. "Natural variability contributes to model–satellite differences in tropical tropospheric warming." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118.13 (2021).

Arctic amplification
Henry, Matthew, et al. "Decomposing the Drivers of Polar Amplification with a Single-Column Model." Journal of Climate 34.6 (2021): 2355-2365.
Pithan, Felix, and Thorsten Mauritsen. "Arctic amplification dominated by temperature feedbacks in contemporary climate models." Nature Geoscience 7.3 (2014): 181-184.
Russotto, Rick D., and Michela Biasutti. "Polar amplification as an inherent response of a circulating atmosphere: Results from the TRACMIP aquaplanets." Geophysical Research Letters 47.6 (2020): e2019GL086771.
Stuecker, Malte F., et al. "Polar amplification dominated by local forcing and feedbacks." Nature Climate Change 8.12 (2018): 1076-1081.
Kang, Sarah M., et al. "Common warming pattern emerges irrespective of forcing location." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 9.6 (2017): 2413-2424.

stratospheric cooling
Thompson, David WJ, and Susan Solomon. "Recent stratospheric climate trends as evidenced in radiosonde data: Global structure and tropospheric linkages." Journal of climate 18.22 (2005): 4785-4795.
Randel, William J., et al. "An update of observed stratospheric temperature trends." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114.D2 (2009).
Steiner, A. K., et al. "Observed temperature changes in the troposphere and stratosphere from 1979 to 2018." Journal of Climate 33.19 (2020): 8165-8194.

Jet shift (and changes in zonal wind) – the tug of war
Lee, Simon H., Paul D. Williams, and Thomas HA Frame. "Increased shear in the North Atlantic upper-level jet stream over the past four decades." Nature 572.7771 (2019): 639-642.
Stendel, Martin, et al. "The jet stream and climate change." Climate Change. Elsevier, 2021. 327-357.
Francis, Jennifer A., and Stephen J. Vavrus. "Evidence linking Arctic amplification to extreme weather in mid‐latitudes." Geophysical research letters 39.6 (2012).
Haarsma, Reindert J., Frank Selten, and Geert Jan van Oldenborgh. "Anthropogenic changes of the thermal and zonal flow structure over Western Europe and Eastern North Atlantic in CMIP3 and CMIP5 models." Climate dynamics 41.9-10 (2013): 2577-2588.
Staten, Paul W., et al. "Re-examining tropical expansion." Nature Climate Change 8.9 (2018): 768-775.
Lu, Jian, Gabriel A. Vecchi, and Thomas Reichler. "Expansion of the Hadley cell under global warming." Geophysical Research Letters 34.6 (2007).
equatorial (ENSO-like) warming pattern
Stuecker, Malte F., et al. "Strong remote control of future equatorial warming by off-equatorial forcing." Nature Climate Change 10.2 (2020): 124-129.
Heede, Ulla K., Alexey V. Fedorov, and Natalie J. Burls. "Time scales and mechanisms for the tropical pacific response to global warming: A tug of war between the ocean thermostat and weaker walker." Journal of Climate 33.14 (2020): 6101-6118.
Seager, Richard, et al. "Strengthening tropical Pacific zonal sea surface temperature gradient consistent with rising greenhouse gases." Nature Climate Change 9.7 (2019): 517-522.
Merlis, Timothy M., and Tapio Schneider. "Changes in zonal surface temperature gradients and Walker circulations in a wide range of climates." Journal of Climate 24.17 (2011): 4757-4768.

Global scale warming pattern
Xie, Shang‐Ping. "Ocean warming pattern effect on global and regional climate change." AGU advances 1.1 (2020): e2019AV000130.
Marshall, John, et al. "The ocean's role in polar climate change: asymmetric Arctic and Antarctic responses to greenhouse gas and ozone forcing." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 372.2019 (2014): 20130040.
large ensemble – the roles of GHG, aerosols, and natural variability
Deser, Clara, et al. "Insights from Earth system model initial-condition large ensembles and future prospects." Nature Climate Change 10.4 (2020): 277-286.
Deser, Clara, et al. "Isolating the evolving contributions of anthropogenic aerosols and greenhouse gases: A new CESM1 large ensemble community resource." Journal of climate 33.18 (2020): 7835-7858.
Wang, Hai, Shang-Ping Xie, and Qinyu Liu. "Comparison of climate response to anthropogenic aerosol versus greenhouse gas forcing: Distinct patterns." Journal of Climate 29.14 (2016): 5175-5188.
Watanabe, Masahiro, et al. "Enhanced warming constrained by past trends in equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature gradient." Nature Climate Change 11.1 (2021): 33-37.
Chung, Eui-Seok, and Brian J. Soden. "Hemispheric climate shifts driven by anthropogenic aerosol–cloud interactions." Nature Geoscience 10.8 (2017): 566-571.

Global warming hiatus (recent negative IPO pattern)
Medhaug, Iselin, et al. "Reconciling controversies about the ‘global warming hiatus’." Nature 545.7652 (2017): 41-47.
Li, Xichen, et al. "Atlantic-induced pan-tropical climate change over the past three decades." Nature Climate Change 6.3 (2016): 275-279.
England, Matthew H., et al. "Recent intensification of wind-driven circulation in the Pacific and the ongoing warming hiatus." Nature climate change 4.3 (2014): 222-227.
Cai, Wenju, et al. "Pantropical climate interactions." Science 363.6430 (2019).

Liu, Wei, et al. "Climate impacts of a weakened Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in a warming climate." Science advances 6.26 (2020): eaaz4876.
Zhang, Rong, et al. "A review of the role of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in Atlantic multidecadal variability and associated climate impacts." Reviews of Geophysics 57.2 (2019): 316-375.
Menary, Matthew B., et al. "Aerosol‐forced AMOC changes in CMIP6 historical simulations." Geophysical research letters 47.14 (2020): e2020GL088166.

assigned papers will be posted  
oral presentation  
Leading paper discussion 30%  
Participation (include in class discussion and discussion board on-line) 40%  
written reports  
Two written reports (The written reports include an in-depth review of the research topics discussed in class. Reports should be about 1 page of text plus 1~4 figures) 